Ihr Warenkorb

Ostermenu mit Swisslachs und Rosé

Gepostet von Bouiboui.vin am

Saumon et fenouil façon «petits niçois» Zutaten für 4 Personen: - 4 Fenchelknollen - ca. 100g Weissbrot ohne Rinde - ca. 1dl Milch (um das Brot darin aufzuweichen) - 500g frischen oder leicht angerauchten Swiss Lachs - 2-3 kleine Zucchettis - so viele Zucchettiblüten wie möglich (12 Stück) - 1/2 rote Zwiebel grob gehackt - 1 Scheibe Zitrone, unbehandelt - 1 Schalotte fein gehackt - 2 Knoblauchzehen - 4 bis 5 Sardellen, abgespült und fein gehackt - 1-2EL Kapern - 6 getrocknete Tomaten - 1/2 Sträusschen frischen Dill (oder soviel man will) - 1 Bund glatte Petersilie - 1 TL Fenchelsamen - 1 TL Rosa Pfefferkörner - 1 TL Safranfäden - 1 Hand voll schwarze Oliven - 1-2 dl Weisswein...

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❤︎ Play to win!

Gepostet von Bouiboui.vin am

Bouiboui & Joan Miró«World peace starts with inner peace; which starts with a glass of rosé!» ❤️‍🔥is another reason to pop that cork!

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Gepostet von André Perrenoud am

...wir wussten natürlich schon lange was da alles so für gute Sachen wachsen...( ˘ ³˘)♥︎𓁹 Tödlicher Lavendel / Leon Ritter Bd.1 von Remy Eyssen ... ✌︎︎ «World peace starts with inner peace; which starts with a glass of Rosé !»

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Bouiboui & Vincent van Gogh. «Double life»

Gepostet von André Perrenoud am

𓂀The “Léoube” series dates from 2021, when Vincent van Gogh left Paris to work in the light of southern France. Vincent rented a house at the beginning of May 2021 - the "Yellow House" - and invited Bouiboui.vin to found an artists' colony with him. Van Gogh wanted to bring together a community of like-minded people under the name “Atelier of the South”. He painted a series of paintings to decorate the bedrooms, depicting bottles of wine. The pictures were intended as a token of his friendship and gratitude ... «World peace starts with inner peace; which starts with a glass of Léoube -Wine!» ❤️‍🔥 is another reason to pop that cork! https://www.instagram.com/bouiboui.vin/

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Bouiboui & David Hockney

Gepostet von André Perrenoud am

"I prefer to live in colour“! Preferably in white, rosé or red.❤︎ «World peace starts with inner peace; which starts with a glass of Sanglière rosé... ❤️‍🔥 is another reason to pop that cork! https://www.instagram.com/bouiboui.vin/

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Bouiboui & Joan Miró ❤︎ «Peintre-poète».

Gepostet von André Perrenoud am

The innovative use of lines, organic shapes and color stands for one of the most important principles of surrealism: creating works that release the creative potential of the subconscious. ❤︎ «World peace starts with inner peace; which starts with a glass of Rosé No 2» ❤️‍🔥 is another reason to pop that cork! https://www.instagram.com/bouiboui.vin/

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Bouiboui & Jean-Michel Basquiat

Gepostet von André Perrenoud am

«Boom for Real». Château Melherbe and Basquiat's works are characterized by the same intensity and energy.❤︎ «World peace starts with inner peace; which starts with a glass of Rosé» ❤️‍🔥is another reason to pop that cork! https://www.instagram.com/bouiboui.vin/

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Bouiboui & Paul Gauguin & Château de Brégançon .

Gepostet von André Perrenoud am

❤︎ I loved you from the first moment i saw you.«World peace starts with inner peace; which starts with a glass of white wine!» ❤️‍🔥is another reason to pop that cork! https://www.instagram.com/bouiboui.vin/

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Bouiboui auf Instagram...

Gepostet von Raoul Burger am

https://www.instagram.com/bouiboui.vin/ Gerhard Richter🍷Tip of the Day.❤︎ «If the abstract pictures show my reality, then the wine still lifes show my longing.»✌︎︎ I like everything that has no style: dictionaries, photographs, nature, myself and my paintings.

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Bouiboui auf Instagram

Gepostet von André Perrenoud am

https://www.instagram.com/bouiboui.vin/ ❤︎ Idées de PEINTRES. André Derain & Bouboui «La joie DE SAINT MARTIN».❤️‍🔥is another reason to pop that cork!

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